Master’s Degree Program

Registration for examinations opens at the beginning of each semester. The examination dates listed in KSL are not accurate and are merely placeholders in the electronic system.

The Dean’s Office can only schedule examinations after the examination registration deadline, because examinations have to be scheduled to prevent students from having overlapping times. Examination dates are provisional and are subject to change. The dates can only be definitively set once the withdrawal deadline has passed. Due to the fact that conditions vary each semester (such as examinations offered, availability of examiners, or type of examination), it is not possible to repeat the exact examination dates of previous semesters.

Students should, therefore, plan to be on campus and available for examinations throughout the whole examination period. Likewise, exchange students must plan, even if they register for early examinations, to be on campus through the entire last week of classes.

The examination dates will be published on the Dean’s Office website under "Important Notes" as soon as possible.

Once students have been notified of their results in KSL, copies of the Master’s examinations can then be ordered by email ( only) from Ms. Petra Dasen for up to one month if the examination is not listed under Exceptions (the list is continuously updated).
Exams are scanned double-sided and will be sent by email to the Campus Account ( If several exam copies are ordered, they may instead be shared on

List with exceptions, please see website in German.

Students cannot have more than three insufficient grades and must reach an overall average grade of at least 4.0 (Art. 27(1) RSL RW of June 21, 2007, including the amendments until May 22, 2014). The Master’s thesis must receive a grade of at least 4.0 (Art. 23(4) RSL RW).

If conditions were imposed according to which Bachelor’s degree courses have to be completed in order to study for the Master’s in Law at the University of Bern, those courses must be passed with an overall grade average of at least 4.0.

The dates for the repeat examinations are listed on the KSL page for each course, as the second appointment (2. Termin). Repeat examinations are generally scheduled at the end of the following semester.

Please note: In order to repeat an examination, students must have earned an insufficient grade on the first attempt or have submitted an approved request for postponement. Unjustified registrations for repeat examinations will not be recognized and will be deleted.

Students who earned study certificates required for admission to the Master’s degree program in a language other than German and whose native language is not German can submit a formal request to the Dean's Office for an extension of the examination time. Such requests should be addressed to Ms. Sylvia Kilchenmann and must be submitted before the examination withdrawal deadline passes.


Applications for testing accommodations are to be submitted in written form (letter/email) and have to be justified with an official proof (i.e. detailed medical report). Students must submit a new formal request each semester before the withdrawal deadline passes.