Interest Groups

For incoming Bachelor’s of Law students, the University of Bern offers “tutorians” (tutorials) during their first fall semester. These tutorials are not reviews of academic information from the classes, but instead are meant to help students navigate the law school process, get to know other law students, and facilitate their entry into law school life. Tutorials are held in guided groups of about 25 people. During tutorials, participants will gain knowledge about the law degree programs, the Law Faculty, and the University. The tutors (who are more senior students) will also provide guidance on how to plan schedules and balance course loads. Participants will also have several opportunities to learn more about the legal profession with visits to interesting institutions, like the Federal Parliament, the courts and correctional facilities. Each tutorial group is led by two more senior students.

More Information about the Tutorials

Find more information on the sheet below.

Applying to Lead a Tutorial Group

Detailed information on how to become a tutor can be found on the sheet below.

Contact/Info for the Tutorial Commission

The official email address of the Tutorial Commission is

President, Supreme Court:
Supeedsha Arumugam

Secretariat, Registration:
Rashmiy Rajadurai

Library, Penitentiaries:
Claudio Meyer

The Law Student Council (Fachschaft JUS) is the official body that represents the law students of the University of Bern (and is the law school arm of the University of Bern Student Council [Studierendenschaft der Universität Bern SUB]). All students enrolled at the Faculty of Law become members automatically. The Student Council is led by a Student Council Board and represents law student interests to the Faculty. Board members attend Faculty meetings and hold seats on various committees. Additionally, the Student Council is available to answer questions from law students concerning their studies.

Further Information