Quality Assurance

The Law Faculty aims to assure top quality research and educational opportunities. Rather than being a target to reach, quality assurance is seen as a responsibility that all faculty members should continue to pursue. For that reason, the quality assurance system not only includes specialized evaluation processes and other procedures but also includes elements of quality assurance in the form of self-evaluation and optimization reviews.

The new QAD Guidelines for the Faculty of Law (PDF, 4.0 MB) for the core tasks of education and research were approved by the Faculty on February 25, 2021. They replace the former QAD concept and serve as the Faculty's organizational and instrumental basis for continuous quality assurance and development.

A QAD Expert Committee regularly discusses specific issues regarding quality assurance in education and research, determines fields of action, and develops proposals for new measures for the Faculty's attention. The QAD Expert Committee consists of representatives from all five departments, the students, the academic assistants, the adjunct faculty, and the Head of the Dean's Office. 

This year's focus regarding quality assurance lies in the following areas:

Institutional accreditation of the University of Bern

Implementation of the new requirements provided by the Faculty's QAD Guidelines

Analysis of the degree program evaluationof 2020